Scrivania da 200 fianco dritto con servente
Desk l.200 with side unit
Disponibile dal: 0000-00-00
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Scrivania da 200 fianco dritto con servente
Desk l.200 with side unit
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Certificazioni | EN ISO 9001 - EN ISO 14001 |
Piano in conglomerato ligneo sp. 18 mm, rivestimento in melaminico ad alta resistenza, piegato a tecnologia “folding” ad ottenere un piano dello sp. finito di mm. 70.
Gambe scrivania: Gamba dritta sp.70 mm/gamba sagomata sp.70 mm/gamba a ponte sp.120 mm/gamba chiusa sp.120 mm realizzate tramite lavorazione in folding in conglomerato ligneo rivestimento in melaminico ad alta resistenza sp. 18 mm. E’ presente nella parte che si accoppia con il piano, un inserto cromato.
Colori: Noce/Samui/Bianco (Bianco solo per piani scrivania e ante mobili)
La cassettiera 3 cassetti su ruote ha il top sp. 25 mm realizzato in conglomerato ligneo rivestimento in melaminico ad alta resistenza bordato da tutti i lati in ABS sp. 2 mm , carcassa realizzata in conglomerato ligneo rivestito in melaminico ad alta resistenza sp. 18 mm, frontali cassettiera realizzata in conglomerato ligneo rivestito in melaminico ad alta resistenza sp. 18 mm bordati da tutti i lati in ABS 2 mm., serratura a blocco simultaneo dei cassetti, maniglia cromata in metallo, ruote piroettanti in nylon colore grigio.
Mobile di servizio
Top sp. 25 mm realizzato in conglomerato ligneo rivestimento in melamminico ad alta resistenza bordato da tutti i lati in ABS sp. 2 mm , carcassa realizzata in conglomerato ligneo rivestito in melaminico ad alta resistenza sp. 18 mm , frontali cassettiera e anta realizzata in conglomerato ligneo rivestito in melamminico ad alta resistenza sp. 18 mm bordati da tutti i lati in ABS 2 mm. serratura solo su cassettiera a blocco simultaneo dei cassetti , maniglia cromata in metallo ruote piroettanti in nylon colore grigio.
Contenitori in tinta
Mobili realizzati in conglomerato ligneo rivestimento melaminico ad alta resistenza, composto da: - fianchi laterali e centrali sp.25 mm bordati in altezza nella parte a vista in ABS 2 mm. - top sp. 25 mm bordati in ABS sui 4 lati, base e cappello sp. 18 mm. , retro sp. 10 mm. , ripiani sp. 25 mm. - ante sp. 18 mm bordati in ABS sui 4 lati , anta in vetro semitrasparente verniciato bianco, cornice in allumino, vetro sp. 5 mm temperato.
Contenitori carcassa colore alluminio o bianco
Mobili realizzati in conglomerato ligneo rivestimento melaminico ad alta resistenza, composto da: - fianchi base e cappello sp. 18 mm. - top sp. 25 mm bordati in ABS sui 4 lati. Retro sp. 10 mm. - ripiani sp. 25 mm. - ante sp. 18 mm bordati in ABS sui 4 lati - anta in vetro semitrasparente verniciato bianco, cornice in allumino vetro sp. 5 mm temperato
Tavoli riunione
Piano in conglomerato ligneo sp. 18 mm, rivestimento in melaminico ad alta resistenza, piegatoatecnologia“folding”adottenereunpianodellosp.finito di mm. 70. Gamba a ponte sp.120 mm realizzate tramite lavorazione in folding, in conglomerato ligneorivestimentoin melaminicoadaltaresistenzasp.18mm.
E’ presente nella parte che si accoppia con il piano un inserto colore cromato; gamba centrale realizzati in conglomerato ligneo rivestimento in melaminico ad alta resistenza sp.18 mm.
Colours :Walnut/Samui/White (White colour for desktops and moving doors only)
Top: wooden conglomerate panel thickness 18 mm covered with high-resistance melaminic paper realized with folding manufacture to create a completed top of total 70 mm. Legs: straight leg 70 mm thick/shaped leg 70 mm thick/”U”- leg 120 mm thick/closed leg 120 mm thick, all realized with folding manufacture, wooden conglomerate panel thickness 18 mm; covered with high-resistance melaminic paper chromed insert is also present in the area combined with the top.
Pedestal 3 drawer on castors: top 25 mm thick realized in wooden conglomerate covered by highly-resistant melaminic paper, bordered on all sides by ABS thickness 2 mm, structure realized in wooden conglomerate covered by highly-resistant melaminic thickness 18 mm, drawers fronts realized in wooden conglomerate covered by highly-resistant melaminic thickness 18 mm bordered on all sides by ABS thickness 2 mm. The lock allows simultaneous blocking of all drawers, chromed metallic handle, pirouetting castors in grey nylon.
Side unit
Top 25 mm thick realized in wooden conglomerate covered by highly-resistant melaminic, bordered on all sides by ABS thickness 2 mm, structure realized in wooden conglomerate covered by highly-resistant melaminic thickness 18 mm, drawers fronts realized in wooden conglomerate covered by highly-resistant melaminic thickness 18 mm bordered on all sides by ABS thickness 2 mm. The lock allows simultaneous blocking of all drawers, chromed metallic handle, pirouetting castors in grey nylon.
Painted cabinet
Units realized in wooden conglomerate covered by highly-resistant melaminic, made as following: - finishing and middle sides 25 mm thick bordered, in the visible area, by ABS 2 mm - top 25 mm thick bordered on all sides by ABS
- base and structural top 18 mm thick - back side 10 mm thick - shelves 25 mm thick - wooden doors 18 mm thick bordered in all sides by ABS - glass door opacified white painted, aluminium frame, tempered glass thick mm. 5
Cabinet structure aluminium or white colour
Units realized in wooden conglomerate covered by highly-resistant melaminic, made as following: - sides, base and structural top 18 mm thick - finishing top 25 mm thick bordered on all sides by ABS
- back panel 10 mm thick - shelves 25 mm thick - wooden doors18 mm thick bordered on all sides by ABS - glass door opacified white painted, aluminium frame, tempered glass thick mm. 5
Meeting table
Top produced in wooden conglomerate covered by highly-resistant melaminic paper, thickness25mm,madewithfoldingmanufacturetocreateacompletedtopof total 70 mm. “U”- leg 120 thick produced with folding manufacture, wooden conglomerate covered with high-resistance melaminic (thickness 18 mm); a chrome insert is also present in the area combined with the top; central leg made in wooden conglomerate covered by highly-resistant melaminic thickness 18 mm.